- Google Analytics code
- Show/hide google analytics code if user is logged in
- Head code
- Footer code
- Archives
- Categories
- Pages
- Carian
Parameters for [sitekit_posts]:
- post_type – show posts associated with certain type:
[sitekit_posts post_type="page"]
; by default posts are shown:[sitekit_posts post_type="post"]
; Possible params: post | page | revision | attachment | nav_menu_item | any | your_custom_post_type - orderby – the column to use for ordering posts list:
[sitekit_posts orderby="id"]
; by default list is sorted by date:[sitekit_posts orderby="date"]
; Possible params: modified | title | name | ID | rand - order – how to sort posts list:
[sitekit_posts order="DESC"]
; by default list is sorted by ascending order (A-Z):[sitekit_posts order="ASC"]
; - posts_per_page – how many posts to show in the list:
[sitekit_posts posts_per_page="50"]
; by default:[sitekit_posts posts_per_page="100"]
[sitekit_posts] is based on WP_Query class.
Parameters for [sitekit_archives]:
– list of monthly archives links sorted by date;[sitekit_archives type="yearly"]
– list of yearly archives links;[sitekit_archives type="monthly"]
– list of monthly archives links;[sitekit_archives type="weekly"]
– list of weekly archives links;[sitekit_archives type="daily"]
– list of daily archives links;[sitekit_archives type="postbypost"]
– list of all posts links sorted by date;[sitekit_archives type="alpha"]
– list of all posts links sorted by title;- limit – how many links to be included in the list:
[sitekit_archives limit="10"]
; by default all links are shown:[sitekit_archives limit=""]
; - format – format for the archive:
[sitekit_archives format="option"]
– show as a dropdown; by default unordered list is shown:[sitekit_archives format="html"]
; - show_post_count – display counter of posts in the archive:
[sitekit_archives show_post_count="1"]
; by default counter is not shown:[sitekit_archives show_post_count="0"]
; - order – how to sort archives links:
[sitekit_archives order="ASC"]
; by default links are sorted by descending order (Z-A):[sitekit_archives order="DESC"]
[sitekit_archives] is based on wp_get_archives function.
Parameters for [sitekit_categories]:
- orderby – the column to use for ordering categories list:
[sitekit_categories orderby="id"]
; by default list is sorted by title:[sitekit_categories orderby="name"]
; - order – how to sort categories list:
[sitekit_categories order="DESC"]
; by default list is sorted by ascending order (A-Z):[sitekit_categories order="ASC"]
; - show_count – display counter of posts in the categories list:
[sitekit_categories show_count="1"]
; by default counter is not shown:[sitekit_categories show_count="0"]
; - hide_empty – the column to use for ordering categories list:
[sitekit_categories hide_empty="0"]
; by default empty categories are hidden:[sitekit_categories hide_empty="1"]
; - hierarchical – show tree-like categories list:
[sitekit_categories hierarchical="0"]
; by default the list is hierarchical:[sitekit_categories hierarchical="1"]
; - depth – how many levels to include in categories list:
[sitekit_categories depth="5"]
; by default depth is unlimited:[sitekit_categories depth="0"]
; - taxonomy – which taxonomy to show in the list:
[sitekit_categories taxonomy="post_tag"]
; by default categories are shown:[sitekit_categories taxonomy="category"]
; - child_of – term ID to retrieve child terms of:
[sitekit_categories child_of="77"]
; by default all categories are shown:[sitekit_categories child_of="0"]
; - exclude – comma/space-separated string of term IDs to exclude:
[sitekit_categories exclude="77"]
; by default all categories are shown:[sitekit_categories exclude=""]
; - exclude_tree – comma/space-separated string of term IDs to exclude, along with their descendants:
[sitekit_categories exclude_tree="77"]
; by default all categories are shown:[sitekit_categories exclude_tree=""]
[sitekit_categories] is based on wp_list_categories function.
Parameters for [sitekit_bloginfo]:
[sitekit_bloginfo show="name"]
– sitekit_bloginfo params;
[sitekit_bloginfo] is based on bloginfo function.
Parameters for [sitekit_iframe]:
- src – source of the iframe:
[sitekit_iframe src=""]
; by default src=””; - width – width in pixels or in percents:
[sitekit_iframe width="100%"]
or[sitekit_iframe width="600"]
; by default width=”100%”; - height – height in pixels:
[sitekit_iframe height="500"]
; by default height=”500″; - scrolling – with or without the scrollbar:
[sitekit_iframe scrolling="no"]
; by default scrolling=”yes”; - frameborder – with or without the frame border:
[sitekit_iframe frameborder="0"]
; by default frameborder=”0″; - marginheight – height of the margin:
[sitekit_iframe marginheight="0"]
; removed by default; - marginwidth – width of the margin:
[sitekit_iframe marginwidth="0"]
; removed by default; - allowtransparency – allows to set transparency of the iframe:
[sitekit_iframe allowtransparency="true"]
; removed by default; - id – allows to add the id of the iframe:
[sitekit_iframe id="custom_id"]
; removed by default; - class – allows to add the class of the iframe:
[sitekit_iframe class="custom_class"]
; by default class=”iframe-class”; - style – allows to add the css styles of the iframe:
[sitekit_iframe style="margin-left:-30px;"]
; removed by default; - any_other_param – allows to add new parameter of the iframe
[sitekit_iframe any_other_param="any_value"]
; - any_other_empty_param – allows to add new empty parameter of the iframe (like “allowfullscreen” on youtube)
[sitekit_iframe any_other_empty_param=""]
Parameters for [sitekit_menu]:
The [sitekit_menu]
shortcode allows you to display a custom menu. It supports all the parameters of the WordPress wp_nav_menu() function.
- menu – The menu that should be displayed. Accepts (matching in order) id, slug, name. Default: empty. Example:
[sitekit_menu menu="main-menu"]
- container – Whether to wrap the ul, and what to wrap it with. Default ‘div’. Example without a container:
[sitekit_menu menu="main-menu" container=""]
- container_class – The class that is applied to the container. Default ‘menu-{menu slug}-container’. Example:
[sitekit_menu menu="main-menu" container_class="custom-container"]
- container_id – The ID that is applied to the container. Default empty.
- menu_class – CSS class to use for the ul element which forms the menu. Default ‘menu’. Example:
[sitekit_menu menu="main-menu" menu_class="custom-menu"]
- menu_id – The ID that is applied to the ul element. Default empty.
- echo – Whether to echo the menu or return it. Default false.
- fallback_cb – If the menu doesn’t exist, a callback function will fire. Default ‘wp_page_menu’.
- before – Text before the link markup. Default empty.
- after – Text after the link markup. Default empty.
- link_before – Text before the link text. Default empty.
- link_after – Text after the link text. Default empty.
- items_wrap – How the list items should be wrapped. Default
<ul id="%1$s" class="%2$s">%3$s</ul>
. - depth – How many levels of the hierarchy are to be included. 0 means all. Default 0. Example:
[sitekit_menu menu="primary-menu" depth="2"]
- walker – Custom walker object to use. Default empty.
- install and activate the plugin on the Plugins page
- enjoy all plugin’s features
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- Added [sitekit_menu] shortcode.
- Removed srcdoc iframe param for security reasons.
- Updated Google Analytics with new GA4 version.
- Removed all iframe attributes starting with “on”. Examples: onload, onmouseover, onfocus, onpageshow, onclick.
- Sanitize iframe URL.
- Minor cleanup.
- Added Google Analytics code setting
- Added Show/hide google analytics code if user is logged in setting
- Added Head code setting
- Added Footer code setting
- Added pages widgets.
- initial release: Widgets: search, archives and categories. Shortcodes: archives, bloginfo and categories.