This plugin has been closed as of 16 September 2024 and is not available for download. Reason: Isu Keselamatan.
18 Oktober 2020
I searched for this for a long time. It has always appeared before me, but I never tried it because of the many negative (and unanswered) reviews. This time I decided to give it a try. It works very well and does a good job. I will never look at the comments anymore 🙂
16 Januari 2019
Dejo de funcionar con la ultima actualización, lo reinstale y aun sigue sin funcionar
2 September 2018
Not working
2 Jun 2018
It’s the only plugin that did what I wanted to do. But on the front end it works fine but then I’m unable to access my backend, so I have to either disable it or restore my site. And no one has got back to me on the support forum:
30 Disember 2017
Nice and working solution
1 Disember 2017
1 reply
The plugin has a bug, which makes disabled language localization!
For example in the file “datatypes.php” line 3, contains the code :
“return __(“Post Field Core”) ” . As such, the translation into other languages is not working…
For proper operation you must change the line to:
“return __(“Post Field Core”,”wp_custom_fields_search”) ” , and so with all the phrases!
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Penyumbang“WP Custom Fields Search” telah diterjemahkan ke dalam 2 penempatan. Terima kasih kepada para penterjemah untuk terjemahan mereka.
Translate “WP Custom Fields Search” into your language.
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