WooCommerce Custom Payment Gateway


If the customer can’t pay with your payment gateways, give him the opportunity to submit the order and send to you a note on payment options he can pay you with. The plugin is very simple and effective. The more important is it’s very easy to setup and use.

Upgrade to Pro Now

Customer Message

A gateway description appears to the customer at the Checkout page to provide him with additional information about your custom gateway.

Customer Note

A note for the customer for further instructions displayed after the checkout process.

Pro Features

Full Form Builder

A rich, dynamic and a drag-n-drop form builder to help you as much as possible to customize your gateway form. The form builder supports the following fields:

* Text
* Text Box
* Checkbox
* Radio Buttons
* Select Menu
* Email
* Date
* Time
* Currency
* Number
* Phone number
* Credit Card Form
* Instructions

All fields are highly customizable as you can change the name, label, size, default value, CSS class/es, and more.

Unlimited Custom Gateways

Not only you can use the already created gateway, you can create an unlimited number of custom payment gateways and have full control of them.

Custom Gateway Icon

You can differentiate your gateway with a special icon which will be displayed on the Checkout page.

Order Status after Checkout

You can configure the status of the orders that were paid using your custom payment gateway.

API Request after Checkout

A very powerful tool for allowing the payment information to be sent to an external API in order to process or store the payment information.
* You can redirect the customer to a custom URL after the checkout.
* Set the type of the API request, either POST or GET.
* Set the type of the data of the request, either FORM DATA or JSON.
* Setting any Extra API parameters such as API keys .. etc
* Setting API parameters and Key/Value combination of WooCommerce data such as:

* Order ID
* Order Total
* Customer First Name
* Customer Last Name
* Customer Postcode
* Customer City
* Customer State
* Customer Country
* Customer Email
* Customer Phone
* Customer IP Address>

Adding Payment information to the Order’s email

An option is available to add the submitted payment information in the Order’s emails.

Debugging Mode

The debug mode is an excellent tool to test out the plugin’s settings and the checkout page as the payment gateway will be only activated for you if the Debug Mode is enabled.


  • Checkout Page Preview.
  • Payment Gateway Settings Page.
  • Order Notes.


Using The WordPress Dashboard

  1. Navigate to the ‘Add New’ in the plugins dashboard
  2. Search for ‘WooCommerce Other Payment Gateway’
  3. Click ‘Install Now’
  4. Activate the plugin on the Plugin dashboard

Uploading in WordPress Dashboard

  1. Navigate to the ‘Add New’ in the plugins dashboard
  2. Navigate to the ‘Upload’ area
  3. Select woocommerce-other-payment-gateway.zip from your computer
  4. Click ‘Install Now’
  5. Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard

Using FTP

  1. Download woocommerce-other-payment-gateway.zip
  2. Extract the woocommerce-other-payment-gateway directory to your computer
  3. Upload the woocommerce-other-payment-gateway directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  4. Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard


19 September 2024
It’s a very cool plugin that does the work. The issue I have with the plugin is incompatibility with the new woocommerce checkout and cart block. It needs to be worked on ASAP.
5 Mac 2023 3 replies
Annoying non-dissmissable notice on dashboard. “Please consider enabling usage collection for Woo Custom Gateway. This helps us improve our product and provide better features to you in the future.” To remove comment out or delete the whole DIV in admin-notice-analytics.php
9 Disember 2020
This plugin has absolutely nothing to offer as a Custom Payment Gateway in the free version. you’d better wrap it up as a pro and sell it on your website.
7 September 2020 1 reply
Hi! If I set my site the max cart total and after try to pay for the products, my site crash with “Critical failure happened”
Read all 16 reviews

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  • Added: WooCommerce Checkout Blocks support.
  • Fixed: Validation of payment textarea was required even if the textarea is hidden.


  • Added: WordPress 6.7 compatibility.


  • Fixed: PHP deprecation notice.
  • Added: WordPress 6.6 compatibility.
  • Added: WooCommerce 9.1 compatibility.


  • Added: WordPress 6.4 compatibility.
  • Added: WooCommerce 8.4 compatibility.


  • Declaring support for WooCommerce High-Performance Order Storage


  • Fixed: Customer receive order note email.


  • Added: WordPress 6.0 compatibility.
  • Added: WooCommerce 7.0 compatibility.


  • Added: WordPress 5.9 compatibility.


  • FIXED: remove red Astrix on checkout when the field is not required.


  • FIXED: The settings page widgets were broken after WP 5.5


  • FIXED: show the customer note if the textarea field is hidded.


  • FIXED: The validation of the textarea field.


  • ADDED: The ability to hide the textarea field at checkout.


  • ADDED: Now, you can select the default order status after the customer checkout.


  • ADDED: Now, you can select the default order status after the customer checkout.


  • ADDED: Allow HTML in the description of the payment method


  • FIXED: add support for WordPress Multisite


  • ADDED: option to hide the payment form
  • FIXED: replace deprecated WC functions.


  • FIXED: remove PHP warning.


  • FIXED: don’t send a note when the user’s note is empty.


  • Re-Branding


  • UI enhancements.
  • Adding the Pro version promotion.


  • Add i18n support.
  • Add Croatian language translation (Thanks to Sanjin Barac)


  • Initial release.