This plugins uses simple JS & CSS scripts to eliminate 000webhost “Free Web Hosting” plan advertisement banners on backend and also watermark branding on both front-end & back-end.
* Disable 000webhost branding logo on front side.
* Disable 000webhost branding logo in admin panel.
* Disable Ad Banner on Back-end (Top).
* Disable Ad Banner on Back-end (Bottom).
Automation Installation
1. Plugin->Add New->Search for “000webhost” or “whitelabel for 000webhost”
2. Download, install, and activate “Whitelabel for 000webhost”.
Manual Installation
1. Download Whitelabel for 000webhost.
2. Upload the ‘Whitelabel for 000webhost’ directory to your ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory, using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc…).
3. Activate Whitelabel for 000webhost from your plugins page.
- Problem after activating?
Deactivate through plugin page or ftp/file manager by simply deleting folder named “whitelabel-000webhost” inside (/wp-content/plugins) & Report on support.
Contributors & Developers
“Whitelabel for 000webhost” adalah perisian sumber terbuka. Orang-orang berikut telah menyumbang kepada pemalam ini.
PenyumbangTranslate “Whitelabel for 000webhost” into your language.
Berminat dalam pembangunan?
Layari kod, periksa repositori SVN, atau langgani log pembangunan dengan RSS.
- Added Whitelabel to wp-login page
- Initial Release