Plugin Tag: import
Custom Post Exporter
(15 jumlah taraf)Export single or multiple posts, pages with comments, custom fields, categories, tags and more to an export file.
Import XML and RSS Feeds
(24 jumlah taraf)Import content from any XML or RSS file or URL. Very useful for importing content from Wix websites.
ACF Flexible Layouts Manager
(6 jumlah taraf)Add "Copy", "Duplicate", "Import" & "Paste" options for layout in ACF Flexible Content.
Database Access with Adminer
(2 jumlah taraf)Provides a secure interface to your WordPress database using Adminer, the popular database administration tool.
Spiraclethemes Site Library
(0 jumlah taraf)A plugin by to extend its free themes with one-click demo data import functionality.
Flawless Themes Demo Importer
(4 jumlah taraf)Flawless Themes Demo Importer plugin helps you import demo content for various free themes of flawlessthemes . Flawless Themes are dedicated to creati …
Auto YouTube Importer
(6 jumlah taraf)A simple YouTube video importer plugin. Import YouTube videos automatically to your WordPress site.
Di Themes Demo Site Importer
(0 jumlah taraf)Di Themes Demo Site Importer plugin can be used to import the demo website developed by Di Themes.
Import Markdown
(1 jumlah taraf)Import Markdown lets you easily generates posts based on Markdown files.
Simple Export Import for ACF Data
(15 jumlah taraf)With this plugin you simply export and import page, post and custom post. This plugin supports ACF fields.
PostmagThemes Demo Import
(0 jumlah taraf)PostmagThemes Demo Import is a simple and easy-to-use demo importer WordPress plugin that allows you to import the theme demo data (design and content …
Vast Demo Import
(0 jumlah taraf)Import the Vast Theme demo contents, widgets and customizer settings with one click.
(0 jumlah taraf)Setup you site with dummy data easily. Import settings, widgets and content with one click. Your dummy data must have ZIP file of xml, dat and wie fi …
Starter Sites
(1 jumlah taraf)Ready to go WordPress full site editing starter sites and website demos, all with full pages of real content, and all created with the block editor.
Bulk Term Generator – Import multiple tags, categories, and taxonomies easily
(16 jumlah taraf)Streamline taxonomy management in WordPress with Bulk Term Generator, your free tool for easy, bulk term importing.
Theme Blvd Importer
(0 jumlah taraf)A free plugin that integrates some helpful import/export functionality into Theme Blvd themes.