Plugin Tag: gutenberg
C-Metric – Easy Block Editor
(0 jumlah taraf)The C-Metric Gutenberg Block plugin lets you add dynamic rich text blocks under "C-METRIC" for flexible and powerful content management on your site
Easy Read and Pictograms blocks for Gutenberg
(0 jumlah taraf)Create accessible content by providing wordpress with an easy-to-read version with pictograms, your titles, subtitles and contents.
Zidithemes Testimonials
(0 jumlah taraf)Zidithemes Testimonials is designed to improve the layout of client testimonials, team, profile and works with the Gutenberg editor.
Gutenberg slider block
(0 jumlah taraf)Slider block is a custom Gutenberg Block That has the following upgradation to be followed they are
LWN Icons
(0 jumlah taraf)A WordPress plugin that integrates Google's Material Design icons with the Gutenberg editor.
NavThemes Gutenberg Blocks
(0 jumlah taraf)NavThemes Gutenberg Block, Adds Some Standard Gutenberg Blocks to your WordPress. This plugin adds following Blocks to Gutenberg Editor.
Tailored Swiper Carousel
(0 jumlah taraf)WordPress plugin which adds a Gutenberg image carousel block. Great for creating big hero banners & carousels. This plugin uses Swiper JS, and r …
Components for Learning
(0 jumlah taraf)A collection of blocks designed for learning content creators.