Plugin Tag: Gravatars
(5 jumlah taraf)Avatar allows you to create / edit custom avatars for your users right in the Admin Panel. Uses the same directory structure as BuddyPress, so your av …
Easy Gravatars
(1 jumlah taraf)Add Gravatars to your comments without modifying any template files. Just activate, and you're done!
BP Local Avatars
(7 jumlah taraf)A BuddyPress plugin that creates Gravatar avatars for any user or group without one, and stores them locally.
HiDPI Gravatars
(2 jumlah taraf)Enables high resolution Gravatar images on any browser that supports them.
Gravatar Signup Encouragement
(2 jumlah taraf)Shows a message with link to Gravatar's signup page to commenters and/or users without gravatar.
Mindutopia User Thumbnails
(0 jumlah taraf)This plugin gives you the ability to add user thumbnails to your WordPress users much like featured images on posts, the images replace the gravatars.
Camptix – Gravatar Fetch and Export
(0 jumlah taraf)This is an independent plugin which is an addon to Camptix Plugin and helps to automate fetch and export of Attendees' Gravatars.
Tietuku Avatar for WordPress
(0 jumlah taraf)Use Tietuku Avatar service to replace Gravatar. And replace Google fonts and scripts. 用贴图库头像服务替代Gravatar。并且替换Google字体和脚本。