Plugin Tag: emoji
Icons Factory
(0 jumlah taraf)Fully free design editor to create, stylize and animate icons and other website graphics to your taste.
(1 jumlah taraf)Allows administrators to globally disable XML-RPC, new emoji functionality in WordPress 4.2, wp generator, wlwmanifest, RSD EditURI and rss/feeds on t …
Block Editor Emoji
(0 jumlah taraf)Block Editor Emoji enables you to add emojis to the post by hitting :(colon)
(2 jumlah taraf)在你的博客里显示 Emoji 表情。Display Apple Emoji fonts(SoftBank) on your WordPress blog.
(0 jumlah taraf)If emoji is included in the post content, this plug-in escaped before saving.
Emoji Reactions
(3 jumlah taraf)Add emoji reactions to posts, pages and comments. Inspired by Slack
Big Emoji Comments
(0 jumlah taraf)If someone leaves a comment comprised entirely of emoji, make it bigger.
(0 jumlah taraf)Emojized allows visitors to a WordPress site to rate and react to content using Emojis. Because text without them is 🅱🅾®ℹ️🆖
Simple Cleanup
(0 jumlah taraf)Provides options to clean up your WordPress backend and the generated HTML source of your website.
Let it Rain
(0 jumlah taraf)This Plugin lets you choose an EMOJI or HTML-Encoded Entity that will rain down on your Website.
(0 jumlah taraf)Your post generates emotions, count the reactions with this simple plugin | Tus post genera emociones, contabiliza las reacciones con este sencillo pl …
Like computy
(1 jumlah taraf)Display voting buttons using emotions on any page, post or product. Buttons are rendered using the [buttons_like_computy] shortcode.
WordPress Social Reaction Plugin – Reaction Buttons For WordPress
(0 jumlah taraf)Let your website visitors react to your posts by adding reaction buttons to your web pages
CookingRush emoji inside comment
(2 jumlah taraf)This plugin will provide a really Lighweight Emoji box to the Comment form below your posts, and your visitors will be able to add those emojis inside …