Plugin Tag: development
WP Quick Provision
(19 jumlah taraf)This is a powerful provisioning plugin to install multiple themes and plugins automatically by providing them as a list from
KAGG Generator
(5 jumlah taraf)The plugin generates posts/pages. Useful to generate millions of records in the wp_posts table.
(3 jumlah taraf)Quickly Create SnapShots of your development sites and restore them with a click.
Admin Bar Tools
(1 jumlah taraf)Admin Bar Tools gives you access to useful tools for running WordPress.
Plugin Builder
(0 jumlah taraf)Gets started building a plugin using the WordPress Plugin Boilerplate in seconds, not hours. Speed up your development.
Deploy Helper
(0 jumlah taraf)Simplify the process of deploying a website. If you ever worked on a Wordpress site on a local environment, you know how frustrating it can be to move …
Toolbar Plugins Link
(2 jumlah taraf)Toolbar Plugins Link customizes the Admin Toolbar and adds a shortcut to the plugins page.
EZ Coming Soon
(0 jumlah taraf)Display a basic coming soon page or maintenance page on demand. Or display your own coming soon page using your theme!
KAGG Compatibility
(2 jumlah taraf)The plugin blocks error messages of any level from WordPress core, plugins, and themes.
Simple SCSS Compiler
(0 jumlah taraf)Simple SCSS Compiler makes it easy for you to automatically compile your SCSS files to CSS, thus providing you with a hassle-free development experien …
WP Developer Support
(0 jumlah taraf)WordPress support and development help, wordpress coding support resources, shortcodes, functions, hooks, classes, methods, markdown code, frameworks.
دکتر پیمان محمدپور
(7 jumlah taraf)دکتر پیمان محمدپور ارائه دهنده محصولات و خدمات با کیفیت تحت وردپرس. با نصب افزونه رسمی، محصولات و خدمات ما را مستقیما در پنل مدیریت وردپرس خود دریافت …
Easy Local Site
(1 jumlah taraf)Aid the development process on a local WordPress site by adding some handy reminders and overriding outgoing emails.
WP Prevent CSS Cache
(0 jumlah taraf)License: GPLv2 or later WordPress plugin to prevent caching your stylesheet during development
Only Admins
(0 jumlah taraf)Only Admins is a minimal plugin that restricts your entire WordPress site to Admins.