Hub5050 Ranking and Competitor Tracking


Free website ranking tool for monitoring your keyword performance. Also monitor competitor keywords for comparison.


  • 10 free keywords tracked
  • Up to 3 competitors monitored
  • Search Engine ranking according to your location
  • Ranking data and a table fo ranking contenders for each keyword
  • Website ranking history in graphs
  • SEO ranking and real competition data captured
  • A graphical representation of Market Leader Space displayed
  • Lead identification (Premium Feature –

Hub5050 Ranking and Competitor Tracking FREE allows you to track up to 10 keywords and 3 competitors with weekly ranking updates.


The Hub5050 Website ranking and competitor tracking plugin for WordPress allows you to monitor
* the keyword ranking of a site (domain) and
* the ranking for a list of competitors for each keyword
* the major competitors in your keyword space
* leads identification (Premium)

Ranking is based on the search position (SERP) reported by major search engines (like Google and Bing). Not only does the plugin track your ranking, it also monitors the ranking performance for up to 3 competitors.

Hub5050 – The WordPress website ranking plugin that also tracks your competitors

This website ranking plugin is easy to install using the WordPress interface and is intuitive enough to be configured in minutes. Keyword ranking results and Competitor comparisons are provided in a number of tables that are easy to interpret. These results are included in the admin dashboard of your WordPress website.


Data captured from your website is stored on an external database that is accessible through the [HUB5050 Portal]( There is no private or user data captured.

The data is captured to allow processing to be performed on the Portal, thereby ensuring that the processing overhead is not carried by your server.

Any data captured is available on This information is not resolved back to any particular person and is used only for the purpose described in this document. The data is not shared with any third party.

For more information about our WordPress website ranking plugin, check out the plugin page on HUB5050.

Our associated service for lead tracking and visitor monitoring to your site Leads and Visitor Insights plugin can be found on the WordPress repository.


  • Once the Plugin is activated, you will find a new menu item in the dashboard menu called ‘HUB5050 insights’. Select the ‘Setup’ menu item.
  • Click the button labelled ‘CLICK HERE to Start’ to activate your copy of the plugin.
  • The domain name is the domain for your site and the license is an API license used to activate the plugin. Other fields allow the region, search terms and competitor URLs to be specified.
  • Enter up to 10 search phrases and up to 3 competitor URL’s (leave fields blank if these are not needed) and press ‘Save Changes’.
  • The ranking results will take a while to update (20 minutes or more). Once the results have updated the results will be visible in the Ranking Results menu (Dashboard > Hub5050 Insights > Ranking Results).
  • A list of the ‘Real Competitors’ (according to the Search Engines) for each search term is listed in the Competition menu (Dashboard > Hub5050 Insights > Competition).
  • If social media links are contending for the search term this also will be listed in a separate table.
  • Rank tracking charts, ranking values for the primary website and for the named competitors over time will be available after sufficient results are gathered by the software.
  • Market Leaders in the key phrases (keywords) space can be identified for a particular search engine and region.
  • The update status can be seen in the ‘Status Check’ menu.


  1. Upload ranking-and-competitor-tracking to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Click on ‘Ranking Performance’ in the Appearance menu to define your keywords


Will this Plugin work with any theme?

Yes, the plugin is theme independent.

How often if the Ranking updated?

The Plugin will update the ranking every 3 days. More frequent updates are not necessary as changes in SERP are gradual.

How will I know when the Ranking is next to be updated?

The dashboard menu option labelled ‘Status Check’ shows the last run date and the approximate next due date for the Ranking update by search phrase.

How do I update the ranking?

The ranking is automatically updated continually (about every 3 days) by WordPress. A WordPress CRON job manages the updates.

Do all the updates happen at the same time?

No, the updates are staggered.

Are ranking results immediately available?

No, the first ranking results will take a little time to be collected and it may take an hour or two before a full set of ranking results are available. Trend charts can take a while longer because by their nature, they need to track the site over a number of days. Once the results are in place the data will remain up to date thereafter.

Can I increase the frequency of the ranking updates?

No these are controlled by the system. It is not advisable to measure more than once every 3 days as this allows a settling time between changes to the site pages.

Can the ranking performance be configured for a defined region?

Yes, there is a wide selection of distinct regions in this version. The site owner can select one primary region only.

Can more than 10 search terms be set up?

The current version allows only 10 search terms and 3 competitors. This will be extended in a future version.

What happens if a search term of competitor is changed after the software has been used for some time?

Any data from the old search term and / or competitor will be lost when a change is made. Therefore it is a good idea to carefully think through your key phrases before you start.

Is the API license necessary?

Yes, the software will not operate properly without registering the API. However, it is easily generated with a single click of a button and the only information gathered is the domain name of your site.

Is there any charge for the API licence?

The API licence will always be provided free of charge.

What is the purpose of the API license?

The API license provides a unique 5 character (case-sensitive) id on the site that allows every registered domain to be uniquely identified. Our server uses this domain / api combination to communicate with your site in order to capture ranking trend data. Ranking trends can be viewed directly from your site.

Does the API licence capture any Personal data?

No, there is no personal information sent when the API is registered. No personal information is captured by any of the plugin processes. The Plugin is fully GDPR compliant.

Can this plugin be used to track ranking on a different site?

Once installed on a WordPress site, ranking is tracked for the site domain and for 2 competitor domains. It can be installed on any number of sites, but the core tracking is always for the domain of the site that it is installed on.

Can this plugin be installed on other content management systems?

This plugin is only available for WordPress sites.

If the specified competitors are not on WordPress CMS will the plugin still work?

Yes, the plugin does not care whether the competitor sites are static or operate on a different CMS. The only requirement is that ths plugin is installed on WordPress.

How much information is held and will this data eventually clutter my database?

Data is held on the client site for the past 2 weeks and then is updated to the Hub5050 Cloud for longer term data analysis. The data footprint on the client site is very small considering the amount of information that is available aminly because data is stored on the cloud servers.

What is the keyword or key phrase space?

When you define a set of keywords or key phrases for a particular search engine and region, you are defining a search performance space. This is essentially a map of who the main ‘players’ (competitors) are for the search terms on the particular search engine.

What do I do if the ranking values are not updating?

There are 2 main reasons why ranking may not update: the first is if your developer has disabled CRON jobs, contact the developer to rectify this. The second is if your site IP address has been banned by a search engine (usually due to a spam site sharing the same IP address). Contact your hosting provider to resolve this.

What do I do if the trend charts are not updating?

Click the ‘Refresh licence’ button on the setup page. This will renew you licence and should fix the problem. All the data you entered for keywords and competitors will be retained so you will not need to re-enter these.

Is this data shared with anyone else?

No, any data held against your site is available only to registered users who have permission to view this data.

Does this Plugin affect the performance of my website

Every Plugin has an effect on the performance of the site. This performance cost should be weighted against the benefit of using the Plugin. This plugin has a small footprint and the major grunt work is done on a separate system.

What is is the parent site where the base data is held. This site provides all the storage for your results so that your site does not need to assign storage space for these results.


28 Jun 2024
I installed and set up this plugin a few weeks ago. Ranking results have no data, Ranking trends still says to please be patient (I think a few weeks on something that is supposed to update every 3 days is patient enough), Competition page shows no data, Market leaders page says to be patient (same as above), update status shows “ready” since I set up the plugin but i’m still waiting.
9 Ogos 2019 1 reply
Did research on rank tracking plugins, and thought of test trying this one. The very moment I clicked Activate it upon installation, my site crashed down! Still trying to recuperate it, since I can’t log in through admin, nor through my Cpanel!! So advice to all of you: do not use this plugin, it will harm your site!
5 Oktober 2018
If you are looking for a plugin that helps you check your site and your competitors’ sites for performance and SEO, this is the plugin to go! Hub5050 is a rank tracker plugin that helps you to keep track of your rankings and of your competitors. You can search for the keywords you’re targeting in your SEO strategy to see how many times they’re used in organic searches and how much competition there is for the same keywords. This plugin is a great tool to running a successful SEO campaign for your site
Read all 7 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Hub5050 Ranking and Competitor Tracking” adalah perisian sumber terbuka. Orang-orang berikut telah menyumbang kepada pemalam ini.




  • Checks and PHP 8+ updates for Compatibility


  • Version checks and system tweaks


  • Code improvement


  • WP compatibility checks


  • Security Updates
  • Change to engines tracked


  • WordPress 5.7.1 compatibility checks


  • Chart update (CDN inclusion)
  • WordPress 5.6.1 compatibility checks


  • WordPress 5.5 compatibility checks


  • Chart readability improvements


  • WordPress version 5.4.2 Checks
  • All leads, referrer and social data moved to


  • WordPress version 5.4 Checks
  • Integration with [Phase 1]


  • Keyword and competitor input improvement


  • Server variable issue resolved for certain PHP installation


  • WordPress 5.3.0 compatibility tests completed
  • Premium features for Lead identification and tracking


  • Rank test routine updates
  • Contender URL error fixed
  • Capability for back-end lead discovery implemented


  • Improved data processing for search and speed


  • Improved Regex for search


  • Minor fix to timings


  • Speed improvements
  • Chart load improvements
  • Multi-chart scroll fix


  • Chart color improvements
  • Checks and minor updates for WordPress 5.1


  • Data storage efficiency improved


  • Social Media Engagement monitoring improved data handling
  • Charts included for social media visits and pages visited


  • Important fix to ensure that charts work following changes to the way that WP5.0 handles localized variables


  • Bot check fix


  • PHP 5.x incompatibility fix


  • Data storage refined


  • Reduce the client data foot-print
  • Improve the data reporting for 404 errors


  • Bot and crawler visits recorded
  • Security checks refined


  • ID for post fix implemented


  • Improved output for referrer data


  • Latest Referrers, most linked pages and 404 error page listing added
  • Test for potential exploits added for information only


  • Market Leaders menu added
  • Charts showing leaders in your search space are now available from the site


  • Number of Competitors increased
  • Additional checks included
  • Minor fixes resolved


  • Number of SERP Phrases increased
  • Run status metrics included


  • Engine definition changed
  • Parameter management improved


  • Admin load of scripts and styles for the plugin pages only


  • User menu separated from the Tools menu
  • Start button UX improved
  • Additional on page help implemented
  • Ranking timeline charts implemented


  • Additional countries added


  • Domain option change to include scheme


  • Input form UI improved
  • CRON Jobs att bug fixed


  • Initial launch of this product in May 2018