This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

Email JavaScript Cloak


This plugin lets you use a shortcode to automatically generate ‘cloaked’ email addresses in your content.

What is cloaking?
Take an email address like If that was to appear on one of your posts/pages, it could easily be ‘scraped’ or ‘harvested’ automatically to add that email address to a spam list of some sort. Cloaking is all about making that harder to do.

How does this plugin do its cloaking?
For any email address you include in your content, using the custom shortcode of [email], that email address will appear as “barack -at- whitehouse -dot- gov” in your content initially. JavaScript running in the browser will then convert that email address to a regular, clickable, email link. Whilst it may seem pointless to convert a regular email address to a strange format only to convert it back again, the idea is that most automated ‘scrapers’, or ‘harvesters’, do not run JavaScript and hence won’t be able to pick up on the non-standard email address. The vast majority of users visiting your site will have JavaScript, and will see regular email addresses (not the strange format).

What about users who have no JavaScript, or have it disabled?
They will see the strange format (“barack -at- whitehouse -dot- gov”). You can include a footnote using a custom short code [emailnojs] which will explain the strange format, if you wish to cater for that tiny minority of visitors.


This plugin uses the GPLv3 license.


  • Sample use of the [email] custom shortcode.
  • How use of the [email] custom shortcode appears on a regular JavaScript-enabled browser.
  • How use of the [email] custom shortcode appears on a browser with JavaScript disabled.


There are 2 ways of installation. If your setup supports it, you can search for the plugin, by name, within your WordPress control panel, and install it from there.
Alternatively, you download the .zip file, unzip it, and copy the resultant email-js-cloak folder to the wp-content/plugins/ folder of your WordPress instaltion folder.


There are no FAQs at this time. Feel free to suggest some!


3 September 2016
Joomla has its own email cloaking, time for wordpress to have it too! Good job!
Read all 4 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Email JavaScript Cloak” adalah perisian sumber terbuka. Orang-orang berikut telah menyumbang kepada pemalam ini.



  • Version 1.03 – Fix PHP callback warning (thanks to Simon Schaller).
  • Version 1.02 – Confirm compatibility with WordPress v4.0.
  • Version 1.01 – Remove debug code (affects earlier MSIE versions).
  • Version 1.00 – Initial release.