

This plugin has been closed as of 30 Oktober 2024 and is not available for download. Reason: Pencabulan Garis Panduan.


13 September 2021
Excellent, especially because I can choose where I want it to appear or not. Thanks for the beautiful work!
9 November 2020
It’s not working and I can’t delete it either…. Update… I finally got to delete it after I got a wordpress.org error on my site and then I could delete it. That was scary. It’s taking people to a whatsapp page that says this link does not exist
15 Februari 2020
It seems to be the best whatsapp chat plugin, it allows people to chat with you on your own website, but it fails to work on other wesites with the same phone nummer. I manage multiple websites where a use the same phone nummer for whatsapp contact
Read all 7 reviews

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